'Big Brother 16' Spoilers: Nicole May Trick Veto Winner Into Using It To 'Backdoor' Frankie On Live Feeds [VIDEO]
Plans are consistently changing in the Big Brother 16 house ahead of Thursday night's crucial eviction.
New Alliance 'The Quad Squad' Forms
Live Feed Spoilers Ahead:
Head of Household: Nicole Franzel
Nominees: Jocasta Odom & Zach Rance
Other Houseguests: Caleb Reynolds, Christine Brecht, Cody Calafiore, Derrick Levasseur, Frankie Grande, Hayden Voss and Victoria Rafaeli
Frankie Becomes Potential 'Backdoor' Target
Christine won the Power of Veto on Saturday, which sent Nicole into a bit of a panic considering she wanted to backdoor Frankie this week. Nicole knew that Christine probably wouldn't use the Veto on either Jocasta or Zach, considering Christine's alliance wants to get out Jocasta.
In the mean time, there has been talk of tricking Christine into using the Veto thinking Nicole would backdoor Donny, when in reality, she would backdoor Frankie. There was much talk Sunday on how Frankie is shady, but Nicole said that she still wants Zach out because he keeps saying that he's going to target her next.
There is also a lot of mistrust for Christine in the house, with Derrick, Hayden and Nicole agreeing that she's "in the shadows" playing her game. Cody and Derrick worried that Christine was trying to "undermine" their games and discussed calling her out on it.
Meanwhile, it has been made clear that Christine very likely will not be using the Veto and the plan may be for Zach to go instead of Jocasta. Derrick told Frankie and others that Zach was dangerous for their games and most of the "outsiders" will likely evict Zach over Jocasta. Frankie still thinks they have the votes for Zach to stay, though, and has told him such. If things continue the way they do and Frankie doesn't find out about the plan to evict Zach, both members of "Zankie" could be blindsided on Thursday.
Of course, there is also the double eviction that the houseguests don't know about yet.
Big Brother 16 airs its next episode Wednesday at 8/7c on CBS, featuring the Power of Veto competition and the Veto ceremony.