Nick Saban's Daughter Kristen Denies Claim Of Injuries From Drunken Facebook Fight
The daughter of University of Alabama football coach Nick Saban has responded to a lawsuit filed by her sorority sister.
The lawsuit, filed last month by Sarah Grimes, claims she suffered numerous injuries in a fight with Saban's daughter Kristen that was so severe that an emergency room doctor said it could have killed her, the suit claims.
An attorney for Kristen Saban filed a motion to dismiss the lawsuit, claiming the coach's daughter acted only in self-defense.
Here is an excerpt from Saban's response to the suit posted on OutKickThe Coverage:
"Sarah Grimes screamed at the top of her lungs "Open the f----ing door, before I kill you." Eventually Kristen opened the door, intending to show Plaintiff her Facebook page on her smart phone, which would prove the comment had been removed. When she did, Sarah continued to yell at Kristen and got within inches of her face. Once Sarah got in Kristen's personal space, bumping against her body in an offensive manner, Kristen pushed Sarah away. According to a witness, and contrary to the false allegation contained in Plaintiff's Complaint, Kristen did not push Sarah hard enough to hurt her, and Sarah did not hit the wall or the door frame because of Kristen's push. Sarah immediately lunged at Kristen putting her hands on Kristen's throat. In justifiable defense of herself, Kristen fought back, hitting at Sarah to avoid being choked."
Sarah Grimes' lawsuit, posted on My Fox Al, claimed Grimes and Kristen Saban were in an altercation after Grimes confronted Saban for posting a comment about her on Facebook, according to The Washington Post.
The suit claims that when a former boyfriend ignored Saban at a bar, Saban stated "how everyone did not understand 'how it was' for her ... "
"After Kristen refused to get off the floor after several people had tried to help her, Sarah looked over at Kristen and said, 'Kristen, please just shut up. We're all sick and tired of hearing it,'" according to the suit.
Saban responded to the comment by posting to Facebook: "No one likes Sarah! Yayyyyy!"
When Grimes confronted Saban for the Facebook post, Kristen stated that she deleted the post, according to the suit.
Grimes replied: "That's fine, but we're done, you're crazy."
Saban responded by punching Grimes repeatedly in the head, grabbed her neck and pulled her hair, leaving her bloody, swollen and bruised, according to the suit.
"As a result of the beating and the head injuries Sarah Grimes sustained by Kristen Saban, Sarah has had repeated night terrors, anxiety, physical trembling, fears of dying from brain injuries, trouble sleeping, and intrusive recollections of the event," the lawsuit also states.
The suit said Grimes was hurt so badly she suffered a concussion, an increase in headaches, had nasal surgery and required psychological help. Now Grimes is seeking an unspecified amount of at least $10,000.