"The Art and Making of The Dark Knight Trilogy," by Jody Duncan Jesser and Janine Pourroy, embodies over eight years of Christopher Nolan's photographic genius and puts it into a Batman lover's book.

Batman is brought to life through the pages of this beautifully colorful read, as it chronicles from the start from Nolan's first Batman stab in 2005's "Batman Begins" to the currently playing "Dark Knight Rises." It also takes the reader on a behind the scenes journey through each of the three well shot films.

The "Dark Knight" handbook also delves into the nitty gritty of the creative team and gives us the details on how the movie was constructed. In depth interviews with the director extraordinaire along with the movie's main cast and crew are done as well.

Amidst the pages, the creatively talented Nolan had the following to say regarding the Batman franchise:

"People ask if we'd always planned a trilogy. When (screenwriter) David (Goyer) and I first started cracking open Bruce's story, we flirted with what might come after, then backed away, not wanting to look deep into the future."

Also amongst the insightful literature, the great Morgan Freeman, who played Lucius Fox, touches on how he was a comic fan growing up.

"I was one of those kids, like millions of other kids, who read all the comic books," he said. "The Spirit and Batman and Captain Marvel. If there was a comic book, I read it."

The cinematically artistic masterpiece also includes several other high profile excerpts and never before seen photos.

"The Art and Making of The Dark Knight Trilogy" is currently available both online and in book stores.

Please be sure to get your copy of movie making history.

Dark Knight Rises, Celebrities, Movies, Books, Christopher nolan