It looks to be another relatively predictable week in the Big Brother 16 house after the results of the Head of Household competition.

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Head of Household: Caleb Reynolds

Other houseguests: Christine Brecht, Cody Calafiore, Derrick Levasseur, Frankie Grande, Nicole Franzel and Victoria Rafaeli

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On the live feeds, Caleb won the grueling Head of Household competition, beating out close competitors Christine, Nicole and Frankie. It was essentially Nicole versus the house considering much of the talk over the past two weeks has been about getting both her and Donny out.

After Caleb won the HOH, he had a discussion with the members of his alliance where he agreed to nominate Christine alongside Nicole in Friday's nomination ceremony.

However, it is entirely possible that by the end of the week Derrick could orchestrate a Christine eviction. He and Cody have been talking about getting Christine out for a few weeks now and they may decide to strike now that Nicole is alone in the game.

On Friday, Caleb was tasked with picking two houseguests to be Have-Nots for the week. With encouragement from Frankie, Caleb nominated Nicole as a Have-Not, which she was very upset about. Derrick decided to volunteer as a Have-Not alongside her.

As it stands now, it looks like Nicole is still the no. 1 target for the house with the potential for a Christine eviction as a backup plan.

Big Brother 16 airs its next episode Sunday at 8 p.m. on CBS, featuring the remainder of the Head of Household competition and the nomination ceremony.

Big Brother, Reality TV, CBS