With many actors from AMC's Mad Men moving on to new projects, but actor Jon Hamm (Don Draper) is dealing with his "unemployment" in a slightly different way.

During an interview with BBC News (featured below), Hamm explained the recent, increasingly full beard he's been growing since Mad Men wrapped in July.

"It's about being unemployed for the first time in eight years," explained the actor about his new facial hair. "So I basically decided I'd shaved far too much for the previous eight years and this is my chance to grow it out, and it has way more gray in it than it used to."

As for saying goodbye to the iconic character he has played on television for nearly a decade, Hamm seemed to be all right with it all being over. "All good things must come to an end," he said, "And this has been a profoundly good thing for me."

That's not to say the actor won't be sad to see it go. Change is hard and it will require some adjusting. "I do miss it," added Hamm after discussing the benefits of moving on, "But in a certain way I'm glad to have it in the rearview."

Mad Men is often said to have changed the face of television. "It's been a game changer in every sense of the word," noted Hamm. With only a few episodes left for the drama's final season, fans will be eagerly awaiting the fate of Don Draper.

Mad Men returns to AMC to finish its seventh and final season in early 2015.

Mad Men, AMC, Television