The Big Brother Rewind twist on Big Brother 16 has really changed the dynamics of the game as one of the biggest threats in the game is set to be evicted next.

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Head of Household: Caleb Reynolds

Nominations: Frankie Grande and Victoria Rafaeli

Other houseguests: Cody Calafiore and Derrick Levasseur

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After Caleb won the Head of Household competition, he nominated Frankie and Victoria for eviction, with the target set on Frankie. Frankie was not entirely pleased with this but he mostly assumed that he was a pawn and that Victoria would still be voted out.

However, this is not the case at all. Frankie's only hope to save himself was on Friday with the redo of the "Freakshow" Power of Veto competition. All five houseguests studied the Memory Wall (to varying degrees) in order to succeed in the competition.

When the live feeds returned after being blocked for the competition, it became clear that Cody was the Veto winner. There was a bit of tension among the houseguests as Frankie kept repeating to himself that he shouldn't have pushed the Rewind button. While he had a joking tone, he seemed to be very affected by his brash decision.

It became clear that Frankie choked in the competition, coming in last place, a far cry from his win in the first incarnation of the competition last week. Even Victoria, who is notoriously bad at competitions, was able to beat him.

Caleb, Cody, Derrick and Victoria all celebrated in private, knowing that Frankie will definitely be the one evicted. However, Frankie continuously entered rooms to get reassurance from others that he was safe. Both Cody and Derrick reassured him that he was in the clear.

Caleb, Cody and Derrick agreed to not tell Frankie that he's going home until after the Veto ceremony. There has been no dissension at all to voting out Frankie, so he will be evicted in Tuesday night's episode by a vote of 2-0, unless there's a random last minute change.

The next episode of Big Brother 16 airs Sunday at 8 p.m. ET/PT on CBS, featuring the Head of Household competition and the Nomination ceremony.

Big Brother, Reality TV, CBS