As the Big Brother 16 houseguests prepare for another eviction, there is new talk of completely blindsiding the target.

Big Brother 16 Veto Competition Results Revealed As Frankie Regrets Pushing The Gold 'Rewind' Button

Head of Household: Caleb Reynolds

Nominees: Frankie Grande and Victoria Rafaeli

Other houseguests: Cody Calafiore and Derrick Levasseur

Frankie Quickly Becoming Most Hated Houseguest On Big Brother 16

The Veto ceremony went down on Sunday, with Cody electing not to use the Power of Veto on either Frankie or Victoria. Everyone other than Frankie knows that Frankie will be the one evicted, and they have discussed not even telling him about it.

Caleb informed Derrick that Frankie essentially tried to throw him (Derrick) under the bus the previous night. This seemed to anger Derrick, who had intended on telling Frankie about the vote ahead of time but then changed his mind.

Caleb, Cody and Derrick got together and considered the idea of not telling Frankie that he was going to be voted out until a few minutes before the vote.

A little later in the night on Sunday, Cody and Derrick were discussing the upcoming Head of Household competition after Frankie is evicted. Since Caleb is unable to play and Victoria has shown to be a weak competitor, they believe that it will definitely be one of them winning. Their target after Frankie is Caleb, but since the latter doesn't know it yet, they talked about not nominating him initially in order to not raise suspicions. It wouldn't even matter who either of them nominated considering all the power lies with whichever houseguest wins Power of Veto.

At the moment, it seems like Derrick has an easy pass to the Final 2, with Caleb, Cody and Victoria all wanting to take him to the end.

The next episode of Big Brother 16 airs Tuesday at 8 p.m. on CBS, featuring the Power of Veto competition, the Veto ceremony and the special eviction.

Big Brother, Reality TV, CBS