The Big Brother 16 house has been very busy on Monday as they taped a special eviction in addition to the new Head of Household competition and while the feeds were down for several hours, a five-minute leak on Tuesday revealed the results of what went down.

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The live feed leak on Tuesday revealed the person who was evicted next as well as the latest Head of Household competition.

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As expected ahead of time, Frankie Grande was evicted from the house over Victoria Rafaeli. It is not known if there was a tie vote or a unanimous vote but based on the discussion leading up to Monday's eviction, it is very likely that both Cody Calafiore and Derrick Levasseur voted to evict Frankie.

Caleb Reynolds, Cody, Derrick and Victoria were all seen on the live feed leak wearing special veto shirts, confirming that Frankie was the one evicted.

Additionally, the results of the Head of Household competition were also revealed. It seems that Derrick is the new HOH as he was seen in the room getting ready for the competition. To confirm his win, there was a license plate in front of his HOH basket that read "#1 Dad."

This means that Derrick is the only person guaranteed in the Final 3 right now. It doesn't really matter who he nominated considering it all comes down to the Power of Veto winner in the end. Even if Derrick were to win the Power of Veto, he could always Veto one of his nominations.

Based on Derrick's previous discussions, he probably wants to target Caleb to be evicted on Wednesday though that could all change if Caleb wins the Veto competition. In that case, Caleb would hold all the power and would probably choose to evict Victoria.

The next episode of Big Brother 16 airs Tuesday at 8 p.m. ET/PT on CBS, featuring the Power of Veto competition redux, the Veto ceremony redux, the special eviction and the next HOH competition.

Big Brother, Reality TV, CBS