The final four Big Brother 16 houseguests have already competed in the final Power of Veto competition of the season and it seems that another big target will be out the door on Wednesday.

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Head of Household: Derrick Levasseur

Nominees: Caleb Reynolds & Victoria Rafaeli

Other houseguest: Cody Calafiore

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The live feeds were blocked until midnight ET on Tuesday, where it was soon revealed about everything that has gone down since Derrick won the HOH competition.

Derrick nominated Caleb and Victoria for eviction, with Caleb as his intended target. This means that Cody was the only person not nominated and would be responsible for evicting either Caleb or Victoria. However, the Power of Veto competition could have changed things if either Caleb or Victoria were to win it.

However, this was not the case as Cody himself won the final Power of Veto of the summer. As he will obviously keep himself safe, this means that he will be the sole voter in Wednesday's live eviction.

Cody is in agreement with Derrick that Caleb should be the one evicted, considering Victoria would be much easier to beat in the final Head of Household competition. With this more or less set in stone, there was very little talk between the two Hitmen.

Derrick, however, would not assure Victoria that she was necessarily safe. He said that he was trying to convince Cody to evict Caleb though he didn't know what he was going to do. It seems that Victoria is so latched on to Derrick at this point, considering she later said she would give Derrick some of her money if she won BB16.

Caleb may be a bit suspicious that something might be up but he will likely be blindsided when Cody goes to evict him.

The next episode of Big Brother 16 airs Wednesday at 8 p.m. on CBS, featuring the Power of Veto competition, the live eviction and probably the the start of the final HOH competition.

Big Brother, Reality TV, CBS