While Robert Downey Jr. has done his share of debunking, it seems like he is backtracking in the past few days on the future of Iron Man as the actor says Marvel is working on a lot of different stories that interest him for a fourth movie.

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The star spoke with Deadline on Friday about the future of Iron Man and whether or not he would be putting on the suit again for a standalone movie and it seems like the actor is hesitant, but wouldn't be opposed to it.

"That's all being talked about on a bunch of different levels right now. To me, it comes down to what's the half-life of people enjoying a character? It's different on TV, where you expect the longevity over seasons while movies get a two- or three-year break. Marvel keeps stepping up its game, and I appreciate the way Kevin Feige and all the creatives there think," Downey said.

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"They are as in the creative wheelhouse as any great studio has been at any point. So it becomes a matter of, at what point do I cease to be an asset to what they're doing, and at what point do I feel I am spending so much time either shooting or promoting these films that I'm not actually able to get off the beachhead and do the kind of other stuff that is good for all of us."

He added, though, that age and the amount he has to promote on the movies is what is keeping him away as both requires a lot of energy and he wants to keep his options open for more roles like in The Judge.

"Each one of those movies is spread over two years and some people fit other things in," he said.

"But I'm not 42, I'm turning 50 and now I'll have two small kids instead of one grown one, and eight Team Downey projects with people who are imagining I'm not just spending Warner Bros' money out of vanity, but that I'm taking it seriously. It all has become this thing that has to be figured."

Iron Man 4, Movies, Robert Downey Jr, The Avengers 2