The CW just premiered a brand new show, Jane the Virgin, on October 13, and its being heralded as a winner for the network, and a series to watch out for.

Most critics have given the pilot of the telenovela a thums-up. Gina Rodriguez plays the titular role of a 23-year-old who is artificially inseminated without her knowledge. Jane Villenueva is a virgin whose boyfriend Michael (Brett Dier) of two years recently proposed to her. During a regular checkup a doctor accidentally inseminates her, and the bilogical donor is quite a dismal individual, the playboy type.

The show is already being lauded as possibly being "the sleeper hit of the fall" and "miraculously good."

Here are some of the great reviews the first episode has received:

"With its down-to-earth lead character and self-aware, but not self-parodying approach, Jane The Virgin is a breath of fresh air that will hopefully find a strong and loyal fan base." -- A.V. Club

"Jane the Virgin doesn't want to be "good" television and by not trying to, it made a great show. It's not worried about antiheroes and grittiness and darkness like so many cable dramas. Jane just wants to be a good time. It's a witty and soapy show that is using its narrative excess to be the life of the party." -- The Guardian

"There are other twists, and other conflicts that our heroine will need to resolve, and yet "Jane the Virgin" doesn't feel crowded. The premiere moves forward quickly and agilely, laying out a web of interconnections and plots that promise to be entertaining as the series unfolds." -- Boston Globe

"Despite the ludicrous premise, the show is sweet, funny, full of heart, and totally a thing we will continue to tune in for." -- E!Online

"I was totally charmed by Jane the Virgin. This is my dream for all shows: that they have a clear idea; a way in which that idea is uniquely theirs; a cast that can give a rich, full life to those concepts; and the savviness to use both comedic and dramatic elements to explore and enrich those characters and the articulated world they inhabit." -- Vulture

The secon chapter of the show is set to air on October 20 on The CW.

Watch a promo for the second chapter here:

Jane the virgin, The cw, Television