Catherine Chandler (Kristen Kreuk) will be a getting a new partner, with detective Wesley Atchison, who will be played by Brandon Gill (Golden Boy) in season 3 of Beauty and the Beast.

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TVLine reported that Gill will be making his first appearance as Atchison in episode 5 of the next chapter. In September, the entertainment publication had hinted at this development stating that Tess (Nina Lissandro) won't be Catherine's partner as she rejoins the NYPD. Instead she will be paired up with a new character, who will be in his late twenties and will apparently not be very pleased to be working with her because of her infamous past. The name suggested for the detective at the time was Harris, and there was no word on who was cast in the role.

While this is going to be Cat's lot in the professional sphere, she will also be facing trouble in her personal life, owing to her newly acquired married status, according to recent reports.

Vin-Cat Visit A Marriage Counselor In Season 3 Of Beauty and the Beast

Spoiler TV reported that Catherine will not be quite at peace with her new identity as Mrs. Catherine Keller. It seems like Catherine will need negotiate with her obsession with putting Vincent first, and not thinking about herself without him.

Recently, TVLine revealed that Vincent and Catherine would also be visiting a marriage counselor. The report stated that they will seek the help of the counselor "to balance their different careers with their relationship."

Recently Stuart Gillard, the director of the show, had announced that shooting would begin on August 28. This has been followed by the director gushing about how much he loved filming in New York and being on location for the CW show.

The executive producer of the CW series, Brad Kern, has also spoken about the what fans can expect from the next chapter of the show in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter.

Kern revealed that season 3 would focus on Catherine and Vincent's love.

"Now that we have the loyal audience, the goal is to make it more Cat-Vincent centric," he said. "We'll continue to build the mythology. Everything else will service and work around that love."

The season 2 finale, Deja Vu aired on The CW at 8 p.m. on July 7.

Watch the preview clip for Deja Vu here:

Beauty and the Beast, The cw, Television