'Star Wars Episode 7' News: PHOTO Of The Main Villain Could Be Going Viral, Check It Out Here [VIDEO]
While fans are wondering who the main villain of Star Wars: Episode VII will be, there's a picture going viral that could potentially reveal the big bad of the anticipated film.
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On Tuesday, Star Wars Underworld posted the image of a creepy hooded figure although there's no word on who is underneath. This person also wears a black mask and holds a light saber in the shape of a sword. The site mentioned that this could be a Sith historian, which could be a theory on the danger that might come along with the film.
As mysterious and enticing as this bad guy might look, it's only a rumor right now that he or she will be the villain of Episode VII. Considering that pretty much everything about the film is being kept under wraps, anything that gets out right now should only be labeled as a possibility rather than a guarantee.
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Check out the photo here.
Oscar Isaac, who will be one of the actors making an appearance in the movie, pointed out that he can't reveal much, but there is something that he's pretty excited about.
"There's not anything that I can say about the character, but I can say that I'm most excited and, I know this seems nerdy, but I love the fact that J.J. Abrams is shooting it on film," Isaac told The Huffington Post. "And that's not just from an aesthetic standpoint- it really does matter- but it's about how a movie is filmed and the set, it changes it. It changes so many things."
Star Wars: Episode VII is expected to hit theaters on December 18, 2015.