'X-Men: Apocalypse' Movie News: X-Force Coming Next From Fox? Previous Quotes Hint At Team Coming Soon [VIDEO]
While the X-Men team that is currently controlling the screen has garnered some of the best box office numbers the series has ever had, it also could be coming to an end for awhile as the set trilogy that Bryan Singer and Simon Kinberg had in mind is closing. But could another team be introduced in the next movie to move the series forward?
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A highly rumored group of mutants that could find their way into the franchise, starting with X-Men: Apocalypse, is the X-Force. Behind a name that many believe will be in the next movie, Cable, the team could be the next set of X-Men that grace the screen for the next few years as main actors James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender and Jennifer Lawrence take a break.
Everything changed when X-Men Apocalypse was announced... RT @actionscomics: @robertliefeld and the movie of x-force? What's new?
— robertliefeld (@robertliefeld) June 2, 2014
This movie has been on Fox's minds for awhile now with creator Rob Liefield taking to Twitter during the summer to tell fans that the plans for an X-Force movie were scrapped due to the announcement of X-Men: Apocalypse for 2016. But did Apocalypse completely scrap the plans or just put them on hold in order to introduce the characters during the movie?
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X-Men: Days of Future Past producer Laura Shuler Donner clarified to Total Film back during the premiere of the movie that X-Force was still in the plans, in a quote that looking back also includes two confirmed spin-offs.
"Deadpool, Yes! X-Force is fascinating. We love X-Force, it allows us to be a little grittier. And also Gambit," Donner said.
Deadpool was confirmed to come out before Apocalypse with a February 2016 date while Gambit doesn't have a date but recently locked up a writer and star Channing Tatum. So does that mean X-Force is next?
It could mean that Fox is waiting to introduce Cable and possibly a few of the other members in Apocalypse and see what fans think of them, or they are just waiting for closer to the release date to announce it. But that also seems odd since the thing to do these days is release a full multi-year schedule.
Either way, X-Force is something that is probably coming soon from the studio and it could be their next big franchise.