Los Angeles Times TV critic Mary McNamara got the chance to sit down for a live stream chat Thursday with White Collar creator Jeff Eastin and star Tim DeKay (Peter Burke).

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Eastin and DeKay reflected on the series and discussed things about the final season, which is currently airing.

Eastin, DeKay and McNamara started off the live stream chat talking about saying goodbye to the series. Then they transitioned into the number of episodes that the final season has. It's only six episodes, but Eastin, the cast and crew made them count. Eastin said, "You're asking the wrong guys!" as he laughed. He admitted at first he was a little disappointed that they only were getting six episodes to close out the series. He did however say, "Let's just make it about the characters - Treat it like a limited series." He concluded it's ultimately "a nice way to go out."

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Eastin went on to discuss how the series was originally pitched. He claimed he never thought the show would last this long. White Collar began airing in Oct. 2009 and will end next month with a total of 81 episodes.

White Collar was originally called Redemption. Eastin said, "it was a much darker version" than what they wound up running with. He said, "[White Collar] was designed for USA." For more details on Redemption turning into White Collar, watch the entire live stream at the end of the article.

DeKay went on to reveal that he and Matt Bomer (Neal Caffrey) have such a great relationship. He made the comment, "I've always said that Neal and Peter do not implicitly trust each other, but Tim and Matt do." That transitioned into Eastin sharing that casting Peter was so much more difficult than casting Neal. Eastin said, "It was the first time we saw that chemistry between Matt and anybody," when disclosing how DeKay got the part.

McNamara asked Eastin and DeKay questions sent in by fans, which led to DeKay sharing he had some say in Peter's character and Eastin does not regret killing off Kate, among other information.

The complete stream is just over 20 minutes long so check it out.

The final season of White Collar is airing now Thursdays on USA at 9 p.m. ET.

White Collar