Demi Lovato News: Singer Slams Meghan Trainor Over Remarks About Weight Struggle, ‘Having An Eating Disorder Doesn’t Show Strength' [VIDEO]
All About That Bass singer Meghan Trainor may be topping charts, but she’s ranking low with fellow singer Demi Lovato after making comments that insinuate eating disorders require “strength.”
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Lovato has been very vocal about her struggles with eating disorders, mental illness and addiction. She has never quieted down and is continuing to speak up about these issues.
Trainor spoke with Entertainment Tonight back in September about her being bullied when she was younger and how she’s finally embracing her body.
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She said, “I grew up a chubby girl. I had two brothers. My parents loved us, they just fed us whatever we wanted.” She went on to say that when she was younger she had a boy bring her to tears since he told her, “You'd be like real hot if you were 10 pounds lighter,” which led to her detailing that she cried a lot that day and stopped eating for the remainder of that day.
She clarified she never had an eating disorder by saying, "I wasn't strong enough to have an eating disorder.” She further explained she tried to “go anorexic” for three hours, but failed since she wanted her mom to make her a sandwich.
Lovato got wind of these remarks just days ago on Nov. 12 and sent out quite a few tweets sharing her thoughts about what Trainor said. You can see some of the tweets below.
Having an eating disorder doesn't show "strength." Strength is when are able to overcome your demons after being sick and tired for so long.
— Demi Lovato (@ddlovato) November 12, 2014
There's a wide misconception that anorexia and/or bulimia is a choice and you often hear people say things like "why doesn't she just start — Demi Lovato (@ddlovato) November 12, 2014
eating?" Or even "just stop throwing up." It's the ignorance and lack of education on mental illnesses that continues to but mental health
— Demi Lovato (@ddlovato) November 12, 2014
care on the back burner to congress even though this is an epidemic that is sweeping our nation, and causing more and more tragedy every day — Demi Lovato (@ddlovato) November 12, 2014
Lovato continued to express her thoughts, but one part stuck out the most in all of her ranting: “Eating disorders do not discriminate.”
Many agree that Trainor needs to rethink the message she’s spreading when she does interviews since it’s not a proper display of what Lovato and many others struggle with daily. Though to be fair, she did say, “I think eating disorders are very real.”
You can watch Trainor’s full interview with Entertainment Tonight below.