Marvel Studios has confirmed that an “Avengers” sequel is being planned. Disney announced that the director for the first installment, Joss Whedon, will return and helm “Avengers 2.”

Whedon, will not only write the script and direct the sequel in his deal with Disney, but he will "help develop a new live action series" for television, according to MTV News.

"Joss Whedon has signed an exclusive deal with Marvel Studios for film and television through the end of June 2015," said the studio through a released statement. "As part of that deal, Whedon will write and direct Marvel's ‘The Avengers 2’ as well as help develop a new live action series for Marvel Television at ABC. He will also contribute creatively to the next phase of Marvel’s cinematic universe."

A release date for both the film and small screen versions of the franchise has not been announced.

Whedon spoke with MTV News exclusively about the deal which has him working on Marvel projects exclusively through June 2015.

"It looks like the release date might be May 1, 2015, but that can change depending on people's schedules,” a source told MTV News. “The beauty of 'The Avengers' is that you've got so many people in this that even during the shoot if someone has to do another film they can just focus on [other characters]."

According to the report, Marvel’s future releases through 2014 include 3 sequels: Downey Jr. in "Iron Man 3," Chris Evans in "Captain America: The Winter Soldier," and Chris Hemsworth for "Thor: The Dark World."

The ABC network, which is part of the Disney company, is creating a Hulk series for television with Guillermo del Toro in mind. "It wasn't going to be ready this season, but we hope it's going to be ready for next season," ABC entertainment president Paul Lee told The Hollywood Reporter.

Whedon is best known for creating “Buffy the Vampire Slayer,” its spinoff “Angel”, and the sci-fi show “Firefly.”

“Avengers” is the third biggest movie of all time; it has grossed $1.46 billion according to The Hollywood Reporter.

“The Avengers” broke records when it beat “Avatar” at the box office by becoming the first movie to break $100 million in its second weekend.

Other blockbuster films that have earned more than $2 billion worldwide are James Cameron's “Titanic” and “Avatar.” “Avengers” knocked “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part II” to fourth place, which raked in a total of $1.3 billion worldwide.

Avengers, Marvel