'Avengers 3' Movie Plot: Marvel Bringing 'Inhumans' Early For Inclusion In Cosmic Team-Up, But Who Will Lead Team? [VIDEO]
Easily the biggest unknown for the Phase 3 slate of Marvel movies was the title Inhumans. But with that knowledge, could Marvel start giving us some backstory as we work up to the 2018 release date and their inclusion in the third Avengers movie?
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Zap 2 It broke down the recent episode of ABC's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. last week and zeroed in on the plot dealing with a member of the Kree race, which could lead into Inhumans and their standalone movie.
According to the site, in the latest episode, the blue alien that the team found was indeed Kree and it could be the first leg of tie-ins for Inhumans. They added that in Marvel lore, Inhumans were the result of the Kree experimenting on early human life.
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After the Kree abandoned the Inhumans experiments, the new super-powered creatures founded a hidden city called Attilan. Chances are the creature is a Kree trying to find Attilan.
But what about the other Inhumans?
One theory that is being floated around is that Marvel will explain Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch, who are appearing in Avengers: Age of Ultron, as Inhumans and they will be heading back to lead the team that will make up the new movie.
With this property being the most questionable, Marvel may use their television series and movies to slowly explain what is happening in Inhumans, who could play a major role in the third Avengers movie depending on what happens in their own movie.