'The Real World' News 2014: Creator Jonathan Murray Picks Top 10 Best Moments Of The Show [VIDEO]
With the arrival of the premiere of The Real World: Skeletons only hours away, fans have the chance to see the top 10 best moments that have ever happened on the show.
To celebrate the 30th season arrival, creator Jonathan Murray revealed his top ten favorite moments on Yahoo, and we are sharring them with viewers.
This has been one of the longest running shows in television history, and its safe to say that things got pretty real.
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#10. Season 1 (New York): "Big Fight in the Big Apple"
When Julie and Kevin had a clash over race.
#9. Season 2 (Los Angeles): "Pro-life of Pro-friendship?"
Tami decides to have an abortion after an unwanted pregnancy.
#8. Season 3 (San Francisco) "SF is for All Lovers"
Pedro was the first open gay man with AIDS on the show.
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#7. Season 7 (Seattle) "The Slap"
The first time a roommate ever got physical with another roommate.
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#6. Season 8 (Hawaii) "Drunk Driving Drama"
Ruthie attempted to drive a vehicle after drinking too much.
Photos can be seen here.
#5. Season 9 (New Orleans) "Blurry Boyfriend"
Danny's boyfriend visited the house while enlisted in the military during the time when the "Don't ask, don't tell" was still the law of the land.
#4. Season 11 (Chicago) "9/11 Shock"
During the taping of this season, the Sept. 11 attacks took place.
#3. Season 12 (Las Vegas) "Hot Tub Hook-Ups"
The term 'hook-up' was definitely set at a higher bar after this season.
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#2. Season 21 (Brooklyn) "Boy, girl or transgender"
There's a lot of speculation about one of the roommate's gender.
#1. Season 29 (Ex-Plosion) 'Exes move in"
Biggeset twist in Real World history after the roommates are surprised by their exes.
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The Real World (Season 29), Full Episodes
The Real World: Skeletons debuts on Tuesday night at 10 p.m. on MTV. This season is unlike any other, so fans need to be sure to tune in.