Miley Cyrus New Hair August 2012; Cyrus Tweets Photo Exposing Bra, Obsessed with Haircut [PHOTOS]
Miley Cyrus' new August 2012 haircut can be seen through the numerous photos the star posted on Twitter. A total of 15 Twitter pics of the new hairdo were uploaded in less than four days. One of Cyrus' latest ones include the 19-year-old wearing a see-through shirt, exposing her bra.
"it was just one of those CUHHH-RAZY pant days," Cyrus posted on Twitter on Wednesday, Aug. 15.
The young star sported colorfully-patterned pants, a white see-through top and her famous new hair. Celebrity Fix reported that perhaps Cyrus is obsessed with the new haircut that makes her feel "empowered."
The source also explained that Cyrus doesn't care what others say about her look, although much criticism has surfaced. The short haircut is a change the actress/singer has always wanted to try.
"Her new haircut is so her. It's what she's wanted for a long time now but couldn't do it because of work. But now, she feels free and this is the first drastic thing she's done to express her feelings."