'Doctor Who' Spoilers: Sam Anderson On Danny's Return [POLL], Steven Moffat Squashes Future Speculation [VIDEO]
Doctor Who fans received an extra Christmas present in the series' holiday special - a visit from the deceased Danny Pink.
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Sam Anderson's character was killed off during the season 8 two-part finale, but Danny dropped by one of Clara's (Jenna Coleman) Dream Crab-induced dreams during "The Last Christmas."
"I come back in Clara's dream as the famous St. Nicholas," Anderson explained in a behind-the-scenes clip (see video below). "A pretty bad impression [of him], I must admit."
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Fans who want Danny to return on a permanent basis shouldn't get their hopes up, however. The character really is dead, and showrunner Steven Moffat was quick to clear up any speculation about how Danny's alleged progeny, Orson, could still exist.
"Well, I can think of several explanations (regarding Orson's character) but the obvious one is that Orson comes from another branch of the family," Moffat told The Radio Times. "He knows about Danny's heroic sacrifice, because Clara got in touch with the Pink family after the events of 'Death in Heaven,' and told them what he did, and why. And she gave them the little soldier, as a keepsake of a great man and a great soldier - and because she knows the toy soldier has to remain in the Pink family line."
Do you want Danny to return? Tell us in the poll below!
Find out more when Doctor Who returns to BBC and BBC America in 2015.