The preview clip and synopsis for the next episode of season 3 of Arrow reveals that Diggle (David Ramsey) and Arsenal (Colton Haynes) will try to Dissuade Laurel (Katie Cassidy) from taking on her sister's alter ego as the Black Canary.

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After the surprising mid-season premiere of the CW series, which shows Oliver is still alive, fans are excited about hoe the rest of the chapter will pan out. The next episode, titled Midnight City, will show Diggle and Arsenal warning Laurel and trying to stop her from wearing the suit of the Canary, as it is fraught with dangers. But as Brick (Vinnie Jones) is set to take over the Glades and launch another dark phase, the team will have to go all out in full force, which might make Diggle and Arsenal reconsider Laurel's decision, as they might need her to help fight Brick.

Laurel took on the mantle as the black canary in the mid-season premiere, titled Left Behind, which aired on January 21.

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In December last year, executive producer Marc Guggenheim spoke to TVLine, about how Laurel might need to take on her new avatar after the mid-season finale.

"Something happens in the midseason finale (airing Dec. 10) that makes it necessary," he said. "Which is not to say [Laurel wears it] in the midseason finale, but the impetus [for the costume] will happen then."

On November 9, SpoilerTV revealed a picture of Cassidy's stunt double in costume as her new alter ego, the Black Canary. MStarz picked up on the news and speculated that Laurel will be taking on the role of the Canary soon.

Midnight City will release on January 28 at 8 p.m. E.T. on the CW.

Watch the preview for the episode here:

Arrow, The cw, Television