Lindsay Lohan Hospitalized: Actress Contracts Rare Virus Chikungunya While In Bora Bora & Falls Very Ill [VIDEO]
Lindsay Lohan wound up hospitalized after contracting a rare virus while she was in Bora Bora.
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TMZ reported Wednesday that the actress ended up in a hospital in London with a rare, incurable virus she apparently picked up in Bora Bora while vacationing.
Lohan initially tweeted about contracting Chikungunya on Dec. 27, which the site reported is a virus transmitted by mosquito bites, which can cause fever, joint pain and fatigue.
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Lohan revealed in her tweet how lousy she was feeling through the use of three frowning and teary-eyed emojis.
She also urged her followers to always use bug spray, which she probably did not do herself since she contracted this illness.
Lohan began complaining of pain brought on by this illness just before New Year's.
TMZ reported once she returned to London after being in Los Angeles to shoot a commercial for Esurance she became so ill she could not walk.
Lohan was in King Edward VII's Hospital, which is where the Queen gets treatment, but was released since her fever broke. Her joint pain is still unbearable, but the doctors she saw referred her to a specialist.
The site also reported that Lohan's mother Dina is flying to London to be with the actress as she recovers from this bout with Chikungunya.
The New York Daily News reported Wednesday that a source close to the 28-year-old actress said, "She was getting better, but with all the traveling, it wore her down, so the virus acted up again. It was like a relapse."