The "Fifty Shades of Grey" movie rumor mill now includes porn star James Deen as a potential suitor to play the role of billionaire Christian Grey. However, the latest and most promiscuous candidate was not brought into the mix by fans of the E.L. James racy read, but via tweet from one of the latest screenwriters ruled out to pen the script, American Psycho's Brett Easton Ellis.

Ellis, who just finished working with Deen on the upcoming thriller neo-noir "The Canyons," had posted the following message on Sept. 1st through his Twitter account:

"Just got inside information that James Deen is actually in the running to play Christian in 'Fifty Shades of Grey' with E.L. James support."

Roughly twenty minutes after his first message, the outspoken writer tweeted again with supposed details on the highly anticipated film's Anastasia Steele character and on who will write the screenplay.

"Fifty Shades of Grey movie will DEFINITELY be written by a woman and the budget will be below 15 million. Ana will be played by an unknown."

Very popular with young females, it could be a possibility that the 26-year-old porn star is indeed receiving serious consideration.

If Ellis' ground-breaking information is accurate then that could mean that the film's producers will not be looking to sign on a high-priced star for the Grey part. Hence, that could potentially cancel out any consideration for higher level talent such as Ryan Gosling, Christian Bale or Henry Cavill.

However, there still could be a glimmer of hope for White Collar's Matt Bomer or Vampire Diaries' Ian Somerhalder, amongst other less popular actors.

Up until this point, E.L. James and the producers attached to the future film version of the racy read have still remained tight-lipped on the casting process. Although speculation has continued to heat up, only time will tell who ends up with the highly-anticipated roles of Grey and his love interest, Anastasia Steele.

Fifty Shades Of Grey, Movies, Books