The synopsis for the upcoming episode of season 3 of Arrow, reveals that Malcolm Merlyn (John Barrowman) will be stepping in to help out the team.

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In Oliver Queen's (Stephen Amell) absence, as the team struggles to fight the new terror in Brick (Vinnie Jones), Merlyn will take over.

In the preview for the episode, titled Uprising, Oliver is seen back in his action suit, in his avatar as the Arrow.

"A homecoming like no other," runs the tagline. Meanwhile, Brick is seen creating havoc in the city, and it seems like only Oliver will be able to put a stop to the chaos. Laurel (Katie Cassidy) is also seen as the Black Canary, taking down Brickwell's army of antagonists.

Speaking to Variety, the show's executive producer Marc Guggenheim revealed that they need to take three episodes to imagine, for fans, a Starling City without Arrow, and how the team would operate in his absence. "Because it's such a huge thing that happens in nine, we really needed three episodes to give it its due because those three episodes-10, 11 and 12-really are a trilogy dealing with the very real question of, 'if there is no Arrow in Starling City, who is going to save the city?'" Guggenheim said.

The synopsis for the next episode, Midnight City, reveals that Arsenal will discourage Laurel from taking on the mantle of the Black Canary, as it is fraught with danger.

After the surprising mid-season premiere of the CW series, which shows Oliver in flashbacks, fans are excited about how the rest of the chapter will pan out. The next episode, titled Midnight City, will show Diggle and Arsenal warning Laurel and trying to stop her from wearing the suit of the Canary. But as Brick (Vinnie Jones) is set to take over the Glades and launch another dark phase, the team will have to go all out in full force, which might make Diggle and Arsenal reconsider Laurel's decision, as they might need her to help fight Brick.

Here's the official synopis:

"MALCOLM MAKES AN OFFER TO HELP TEAM ARROW - Still operating without Oliver (Stephen Amell) and desperate to stop Brick (guest star Vinnie Jones), Team Arrow is forced to consider Malcolm's (John Barrowman) offer to help shut Brick down as Malcolm has a personal score to settle with the felon. Roy (Colton Haynes) and Laurel (Katie Cassidy) point out that the team could use some help to save the innocents of The Glades, but Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) is adamantly against it. They look to Diggle to make the final decision. Meanwhile, the flashbacks chronicle Malcolm's descent from kind-hearted father and husband to cold-blooded killer after the murder of his wife. Jesse Warn directed the episode written by Beth Schwartz & Brian Ford Sullivan."

Midnight City will release on January 28 at 8 p.m. E.T. on the CW.

Watch the promo here:

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