'Transformers 5' Spoilers: 'Age of Extinction' Sequel To Be Happier, Less Intense? [VIDEO]
Even though, there has been little official word on the nature of Transformers 5, the last we heard from one of the cast members, revealed that the movie might push to be in a lighter, happier space than Age of Extinction.
Age of Extinction was said to be starting a fresh chapter in the franchise, but critics and now it seems like some of the people involved with the movie were not happy with the dark direction it took.
Peter Cullen, the voice of Optimus Prime, has requested the producers of Transformers to go back to the drift of the series before Age of Extinction. This has set off a rumor about the next instalment rewinding, and straying from the plot of Age of Extinction. Only time will tell if the producers will actually take action and consider Cullen's advice.
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Cullen had expressed concerns about the severity of the last movie, and has requested the producers to tone it down some in the fifth instalment.
Michael Bay's exit will determine a new course for the franchise. Bay is definitive to the series, as he has been directing them from the very first one, and his exit is bound to redefine the franchise. While there is no news as to who will be taking on Transformers 5, it has also been suggested that the films will also get a new cast. Although Mark Wahlberg has confirmed he is coming back, Jack Reynor, and Nicola Peltz haven't breathed a word about returning for Transformers 5, which was initially being pitched as the second in the trilogy, started byTransformers: Age of Extinction. Even if Tranformers 5 plays sequel to Age of Extinction, the new director's vision will definitely take it to a new place.
The fifth instalment in the action franchise has been immersed in a swirl of rumors and uncertainties of late. It has been reported that the plot of the movie hints at a beast wars themed story with Optimus Prime off looking for his maker in space, while the Maximals fight the Predacons one earth.
Transformers: Age of Extinction hit theaters on June 27, 2014.
Watch the trailer for the movie here: