Country star Vince Gill is about to appear on Nashville and fans can get an early glimpse.

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On Monday, a sneak peek of the next episode was released where Gill is at the Grand Ole Opry for Rayna's big night. The star is on stage saying generous things about Rayna who's listening in the back with Deacon.

Gill talks about the woman's talent, her blossoming career and how she's raised two daughters. This is when Rayna holds Deacon's hand and the two look at each other with adoring love in their eyes, catching the attention of other people as well.

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Rayna is welcomed on stage as the audience cheers with excitement. When she starts to heads that way, she tells Deacon to come sing with her. She then walks away to go perform where Deacon lingers there for a second looking a bit confused yet inspired at the same time.

The clip ends though before audiences find out what happens next.

More and more real-life celebrities are guest starring on the series, one of the next ones being pop star Christina Aguilera. In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, she described what her character will be dealing with in the ABC drama.

"I can say that my character is a successful pop singer who desperately wants to move into the country world, as that is her true passion," The Voice judge said. "But she is caught between her passion and what the label wants her to do."

Check out the scene with Vince Gill below.

Nashville airs on Wednesdays at 10 p.m. ET on ABC.

Nashville, Television, ABC