Jennifer Lopez might be one of the most beautiful women in the world, but it looks like she's been getting her style tips from Kim Kardashian lately. The singer and actress shared a photo of her wearing a mesh top similar to the style Kardashian herself has been wearing on her Instagram account this past week.

In the photo, a flawless looking Lopez captioned it with, "Ready to go! #timetowork."

 Ready to go! #timetowork

A photo posted by Jennifer Lopez (@jlo) on Mar 5, 2015 at 11:01am PST

Lopez's top looks very similar to the mesh dress that Kardashian wore to Paris Fashion Show this week. So far, Kardashian herself hasn't made any comments about Lopez's "copycat" style nor has Lopez mentioned where she got her inspiration from.

Meanwhile, Lopez herself recently opened up about her "cheating" exes. The singer and actress revealed she felt 'inadequate' because of her past lovers.

In an interview with Loaded Magazine (via Britain's Daily Express) on Wednesday, Lopez said one of her biggest struggles was trying to cope with the fact that she's been cheated on by someone she loved.

She said, "I've been in relationships where there has been infidelity and you're left to feel like you did something wrong, like there's something wrong with you, you're not enough, all of those feelings that we struggle with."

Jennifer Lopez, Kim Kardashian