‘General Hospital’ Spoilers: Nina’s Fate Changes After Alexis’ Shocking Admission In Court [VIDEO]
She confided in Alexis (Nancy Lee Grahn) thinking she would have the privilege of her secret never being told, but Nina (Michelle Stafford) is in for a major shock during her hearing on General Hospital.
Franco's Condition Takes An Unexpected Turn
Her previous hearing to be freed from Shady Brook ended poorly, with her seeming to automatically relapse into troublesome behaviors when she saw Ava's baby and again began insisting it was hers-an act she pulled to wind up back at the facility so she could be with Franco (Roger Howarth). Going on the concept of attorney-client privilege however, Nina then told Alexis she had faked it-but she is in for a bug shock now that Alexis has told the judge that Nina's breakdown was an act.
"What are you doing? You're going to bury me," an alarmed Nina asks Alexis in a preview clip for the Thursday, March 26 episode.
Nina Put Into Danger Becuase Of Heather
Alexis may have an ulterior motive, but she could have come clean to the judge in an effort to get Nina freed from the mental institution, because a recent breakdown wouldn't be in Nina's favor and get her out of there quicker. And while the attempt may work to get Nina out of Shady Brook, it could result in her captivity elsewhere-Pentonville, since no longer being deemed crazy could put her up as eliginle to stand trial for kidnapping.
And whatever happens to her, it doesn't bode well for Franco either, who is watching the proceedings and appears to be extremely alarmed by what he also hears at one point.
"Oh crap," he says.
General Hospital airs Monday-Friday at 3 p.m. on ABC.