The new TV spot for Terminator: Genisys gives fans a better look at J.K. Simmons' character.

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In the footage for Genisys revealed so far, we have known and seen very little of Simmons' character, Detective O'Brien. In the recently revealed spot for the movie, there is a whole lot of O'Brien and he is seen trying to help Sarah Connor (Emilia Clarke) out. The detective has been hit by a bullet in the shoulder, and seems to be in the know about the complication of the situation. As Sarah informs him that they are here to stop the end of the world, he suspends disbelief and is willing to help out. "I can work with that," he reveals.

Even John Connor (Jason Clarke) is seen in the clip, informing most that wat they are facing cannot be bargained with, reasoned with. "There's a storm coming that can't be stopped," he adds.

The iconic frame with Arnold Schwarzenegger's character, the Guardian bidding Sarah adieu, saying "I'll be back," before jumping off a helicopter is also included in this clip. There are a bunch of other action sequences that have been seen in other trailers for the movie, like the bus flipping over on the bridge, among others that are showcased in the new TV spot.

The movie also stars Jai Courtney as Kyle Reese and has been directed by Alan Taylor.

Terminator: Genisys is scheduled to release in July 2015

Watch the TV spot here:

Terminator 5: Genisys, Movies