Internet searches surged Wednesday as users sought more information on the "Cyclops kitten," a cat born with one large eye instead of two smaller ones.

Video of the kitten, named Cleyed, was posted to YouTube on Oct. 6, and the clip has already reached nearly 50,000 views and coverage on The Huffington Post. Check out the footage of the unique kitten below.

The kitten's strange appearance was the result of several birth defects, and unfortunately Cleyed did not survive more than a few minutes.

The YouTube user who posted the video, absoluteangels1, explained the circumstances of Cleyed's birth in the video description.

"We have a Bengal cat that was pregnant and only a day past here due date. On Thursday October 4th 2012 I brought her into our vet and I am SO Glad that I did, We have an amazing veterinarian who did the C-Section procedure and if she didn't..... Mamma Kitty would be dead now," the user wrote.

As the veterinarian began to deliver the kittens, several problems arose that made the operation increasingly difficult.

"All of us in the operating room experienced a VERY RARE once in a lifetime (hopefully) kitten births. To start off, both horns of the uterus were twisted together THREE times. After untwisting the horns our veterinarian started the surgery and she removed the first baby, the baby was handed to me and I started drying her off," the description said.

Cleyed was the second kitten to be delivered, and his large Cyclops-style eye shocked everyone in the operating room.

"A vet tech came in and I handed her the first baby and got the second kitten that our vet removed.... WOW!!!! He floored me, I was in shock as I have only seen a picture of a Cyclops kitten like this ONCE ever... and that was on the internet," the YouTube user wrote. "He was born alive and survived only a short time. This was a horribly sad experience, but very intriguing to us all."

The owner of the Cyclops cat's mother also wrote that Cleyed was born without a nose, and while newborn kittens typically keep their eyelids shut for 10-14 days, Cleyed had no eyelid at all, which forced his one eye to remain open.

Many commenters on the YouTube video offered sentimental support and love for the once-in-a-lifetime kitten who could not survive.

"When I clicked this clip I was actually a little afraid of what will I see but oh my gosh, this clip is so touching. May his soul in peace," one user wrote.
