The newest rumors circulating the "Dumb and Dumber" actor is that he died in a plane crash, although another site says he died in a snowboarding accident.

A "R.I.P Jim Carrey" Facebook page was created on Oct. 10 and at time of publication, the page had 150 'likes.' The account's creator claimed that the 50-year-old actor was killed in a plane crash.

However, Carrey's spokesperson reassured E! News that the "Mr. Popper's Penguins" actor was in fact still breathing. But that is not the only death hoax involving the Canadian actor.

Global Associated News reported that the actor died shortly after a snowboarding accident early on Oct. 15: he was vacationing at a ski resort in Zermatt, Switzerland, with family and friends at the time and witnesses said they saw Carrey lose control of his board and run into a tree at a high speed.

"Jim Carrey was air lifted by ski patrol teams to a local hospital, however, it is believed that the actor died instantly from the impact of the crash," the site continued.

On the bottom of the page, though, the site posted, "THIS STORY IS 100% FAKE! this is an entertainment website, and this is a totally fake article based on zero truth and is a complete work of fiction for entertainment purposes!" has a death hoax "generic template" that works as a generator, allowing any user to type in a celebrity's name, pick a story and send out a death hoax report, according to the site.

The Inquisitor reported "Five Ways To Spot A Fake Death Report," No. 1 being based on where the story originated from. They also noted that the Global Associated News "generator" has only six stories that it carries, so many of the reports claim the celebrities died the same way. Adam Sandler, Jim Carrey and Brand all had a fake death from a skiing accident.

Jim Carrey