One hundred and three years ago Wednesday, the famous ship The Titanic, sank in the North Atlantic Ocean on the early morning of April 15, 1912 after colliding into an iceberg.

While there have been several interviews and docu-series that document the catastrophic event, new letters reveal first-hand reports of the horrific accident.

Last March, letters from a person onboard the ship surfaced and the accounts were dated by to 1955, 43 years after the accident occurred.

According to People, the letters were written by a French woman named Rose Amélie Icard, and according to the site, seems to have been written for the daughter of another woman who also survived the sinking.

"Towards eleven o'clock Mrs. Stone [Icard's employer] and I went to bed. Three quarters of an hour later, as the liner was cruising at full speed, a terrifying shock threw us out of bed."

The letter continued describing more horrific scenes from the sinking ship. "At this moment we witnessed unforgettable scenes where horror mixed with the most sublime heroism. Women, still in evening gowns, some just out of bed, barely clothed, disheveled, distraught, scrambled for the boats."

"Near me were two handsome elderly [people], Mr. and Mrs. Straus, proprietors of the great store Macy's of New York. She refused to go into the boat after having helped in her maid."

"She put her arms around the neck of her husband, telling him: 'We have been married 50 years, we have never left each other, I want to die with you.' "

"Sometimes, 43 years after the tragedy, I still dream about it."

Viewers can read the full transcript here.
