Big Bird move over, we got another presidential debate incident to report.

When Mitt Romney said "binders full of women" last night during the second presidential debate, answering a question about inequalities in the workplace and fair pay for women, many people focused more on the phrase than his answer.

Romney said that while he was the governor of Massachusetts, he wanted to hire some women for his cabinet. He continued to relay the following story:

"And - and so we - we took a concerted effort to go out and find women who had backgrounds that could be qualified to become members of our cabinet. I went to a number of women's groups and said, 'Can you help us find folks,' and they brought us whole binders full of women."

Photo Gallery: Binders Full Of Women Memes (PHOTOS)

Obama responded on Twitter to Romney's remarks.

"Last night, the President talked about women as breadwinners. Romney talked about them as resumes in 'binders,'" Obama wrote Wednesday.

Perhaps it was an awkward phrase for the Republican candidate to use, with many claiming that it did not actually answer the question asked, but "Binders Full Of Women" immediately made its way to social media sites. All over Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr and other sites, memes have surfaced poking fun at the phrase. One, posted by @princesscowboy, showed the following:

On Oct. 17, @BarackObama tweeted, "Mitt Romney still won't say whether he'd stand up for equal pay, but he did tell us he has 'binders full of women.' "

@LOLGOP tweeted, "Daddy, what are 'binders full of women'? Chippy, you see, we didn't always have the internet..." Another user posted, "Jeez, keeping binders fill of women is so old school. I keep all mine on USB flash drives."

Among all the hype though, did Romney come out victorious in last night's debate? The first time around, on Oct. 3, reports stated that he was the night's clear winner.

Some analysts called President Obama's performance "lackluster and wondered what happened to the key points of his Chicago-based campaign."

Some attributed Romney's success to his personable, charming demeanor, but a column in the National Journal claimed it was Obama's debate to lose, and the reason he didn't do better was "the curse of incumbency."

Click here to see who is being said to have won last night's debate, the second presidential debate match-up of the two candidates.

Mitt romney