They wanted to ensure they would win custody of their little sister, but the plan to prove Michael (Chad Duell) as an unfit guardian has officially backfired on Kiki (Hayley Erin) and Morgan (Bryan Craig) on General Hospital.

Silas Kidnaps Avery?

Kiki and Morgan managed to drug Michael by switching his allergy medication with something more potent--and when he mixed them with alcohol he began acting erratic--and was caught on camera tipping over Avery's baby stroller with her in it. As a result, his guardianship was dismissed, and they were rewarded with custody--only for Avery to be kidnapped from the hospital.

Now, with the baby nowhere to be found and the list of suspects continuing to dwindle, the guilt is getting to Kiki--and now, with Sabrina's (Teresa Castillo) analysis of the pills proving that Michael was drugged, suspicion has been cast on the two--and they'll have some major explaining to do as a result.

The Search For A Missing Avery Continues

"I want to know exactly what you and Kiki are doing here Morgan," Sonny (Maurice Benard) says to them in a preview clip for the Friday, April 24 episode.

The two may need to confess to their actions, which could get them thrown in jail if Michael chooses to press charges--and at the very least, even if they aren't given the criminal treatment, they will likely lose their bid for custody of Avery if and when she is found--meaning there will technically be no one is so far considered a fit parent for the little girl. Her mother, Ava (Maura West) is presumed dead, Sonny has already been deemed an unfit parent, she's been taken away from Michael, and she would be removed from Kiki and Morgan's home as well.

General Hospital airs Monday-Friday at 3 p.m. on ABC.

General hospital, ABC, Soap Operas