Kenya Moore of Bravo’s The Real Housewives of Atlanta might be all about uplifting other women, but she came under fire when she slammed a plus-size woman on Instagram.

She shared the snapshot (that has since been deleted—see it here) of the back side of a woman who was wearing a small dress earlier this week. On top of that she wrote the caption, “I’m so confused by this outfit though LOL #Vegas”.

It didn’t take long for fans to call her out on it.

One reminded Moore that she expects those who struggle with their weight to purchase her product.

“Very shocked at your fat shaming…..I thought that was the purpose of your workout video…to build women up and show them what can happen if you put determination and hard work in. I agree … this [isn’t] the best fit for this woman but for you to be so juvenile and post a picture of her….what is that saying…”

Another went on to slam almost every aspect of Moore’s life.

“Seriously grow up you washed up beauty pageant wh*re. no wonder why your not married or have kids your a pathetic human being”.

But it didn’t end there. While another follower was a little more kind, they still let Moore know the picture was out of line and bad for others who look up to her.

“Kenya you really shouldn’t post things like this being that you were crowned Miss USA. This year I will be participating in Miss Teen USA and I would never post something like this it is also a form of bullying…”

Moore has yet to respond to the comments.

The Real Housewives of Atlanta, Reality TV, Bravo