'Empire' TV Show Cast: Taraji P. Henson Confirms If Show Was Cancelled 'Do NOT Believe Everything You Hear' [VIDEO]
Given the juggernaut success of Fox’s Empire, it’s pretty shocking that rumors swirled the show had been cancelled ahead of its second season; still, actress Taraji P. Henson set the record straight.
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Henson, who plays Cookie on the series, wrote via Instagram, “Please do NOT believe everything you hear #SillyRumors”
She posted that caption along with a snapshot from The Hollywood Reporter's weskit that confirmed the show (along with a number of others) that have been picked up for another go around.
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Please do NOT believe everything you hear. #SillyRumors
A photo posted by taraji p henson (@tarajiphenson) on May 8, 2015 at 8:01am PDT
Just moments before that she posted a headline that revealed Empire is also a success internationally. She added in the caption, "#GodIs"
Good morning! #GodIs A photo posted by taraji p henson (@tarajiphenson) on May 8, 2015 at 7:48am PDT
Reports that Empire would not be getting a sophomore season swirl late last month. Even though the show brought in record-breaking ratings, News Buzz Daily stated that the network’s public relations representative, Charles McRae not only confirmed it was cancelled but gave reason. Apparently they could not come to an agreement on contracts. But it wasn’t necessarily for the cast. The issue seemed to be with co-creators Lee Daniels & Danny Strong. The site went as far as claiming that Daniels was hoping another network would pick up the show. If this was true, it might be safe to say that Daniels and Strong would have no issues finding someone else to play the series considering the success it saw after just one season.
Word is that he was looking at ABC, Viacom and even prime networks HBO & Showtime.
Keep up with Enstars for more news regarding Empire and its second season.