Celebrity couple Zachary Quinto and Miles McMillan are continuing to show off their admirable chemistry with a fun-filled activity.

Zachary Quinto & Miles McMillan Spotted Holding Hands

On Friday, Daily Mail posted pictures of the two guys as they went for a bike ride around New York City. The two are spotted with big smiles on their faces as they ride along the streets of the big city getting some exercise and fresh air.

The boyfriends managed to keep their balance on their bicycles as they strolled along and took a rest stop at one point.

Zachary Quinto & Miles McMillan Show Off Their Torsos In Paddle Board Shots

Check out the romantic snapshots here.

Quinto and McMillan have been living in a fancy loft together and some might wonder if they ever plan on taking a new step someday, involving marriage or children. The Star Trek actor admitted that he would like to be a father someday, so that still remains an option.

"I definitely want kids, for sure," Quinto previously told The Hollywood Reporter. "I gravitate toward the people in my life who have kids. I love fostering relationships with them and watching them discover the world and being a part of that. I definitely want that."

As for marriage though, the actor will likely not walk down that road since he made it clear that getting hitched doesn't really appeal to him.

"Commitment and relationships are a very individual thing, and I don't stand to tell people what to do or who to do it with, but for me, love is defined by two people in an intimate and personal way, and superimposing an institution on that isn't necessarily, for me, the most exciting idea," he explained.

Zachary Quinto, Miles McMillan