'Beauty and the Beast' Season 4 Spoilers: First Still Feat. Austin Basis & Nina Lissandro Revealed [VIDEO]
On May 30, director Stuart Gillard unveiled the first behind-the-scenes still from filming of season 4 of Beauty and the Beast featuring Austin Basis and Nina Lissandro via his Twitter account.
Gillard tweeted two versions of the frame calling it a "hot set" and announcing that season 4 was underway ("bring out the fans").
#beasties #batb @AustinBasis @NinaLisandrello season 4 underway- bring out the "fans" pic.twitter.com/MgFDecUOTb
— Stuart Gillard (@stugillard) May 31, 2015
Previously, Jay Ryan, who plays Vincent in the series tweeted a less definitive picture announcing that the cast and crew was back at work. He put up a blurry picture of lit-up skyscrapers at night on his Twitter account.
Gillard has been pretty good about updating fans about the development of season 4.
A New Beast Being Introduced In Season 3 Of Beauty and the Beast?
On May 5, the director tweeted about writing for the show while he was traveling:
"Been traveling - got stories for S4-gonna be fun. #beasties will be happy #batb thx for being such amazing fans!!"
Previously, Gillard revealed that he was already busying up for production of the next chapter, and also revealed which members of the team were returning.
"Setting up our crew for S4. Talented @Doug_McCullough @DesigningAshton @jillcarter and DP David Makin back #batb #beasties," he tweeted on April 14.
Recently the exact dates for filming of season 4 were also revealed.
John R Kennedy, an entertainment reporter at Global News, posted the dates via his Twitter account.
"Cameras will roll on @cwbatb (airing in Canada on @showcasedotca) from 05/29-11/17. Welcome back @MsKristinKreuk @JayRyan," he tweeted on April 9.
Watch a promo for season 3: