VH1’s Love & Hip Hop New York star Peter Gunz stirred up lots of drama when he was spotted with his ex, Tara Wallace at Yandy & Mendeecees’ Harris wedding sans his wife Amina Buddafly; now Peter and Wallace have spoken out on speculation that they’re together.

“We’re here supporting our friends,” Wallace said. “Peter’s very close to Mendeecees, I’m very close to Yandy. So we’re supporting our friend on their amazing, beautiful day.”

Peter added, “In the name of love baby.”

While it’s not clear if they have moved forward and exploring the idea of being a couple, to see them being all smiles while they’re together at all was definitely shocking. Last fans knew, Wallace was livid with Peter after Amina revealed he had cheated on Wallace when they were still together. While Amina is married to Peter, he seems to be still deciding who he wants to be with.

He went as far as taking Wallace and their two sons on a family trip just days before Amina gave birth to their daughter Corie. On top of that, he tried to win back Wallace, who wouldn’t give him the time of day. So when he tried to run back to Amina, that didn’t work either. It looked like he wouldn’t end up with either of him by the time Love & Hip Hop New York ended. But maybe he found a way to get back with Wallace.

As for Amina, she revealed she wasn’t at the ceremony because she never got an invite.

Amina Buddafly Peter Gunz