Country superstar Carrie Underwood just opened up on the lyrics of one of her popular hits with implications on the kind of parent she wants to be.

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As she was preparing to give birth to her son, Isaiah, who was born in February, the singer explained what her song "Little Toy Guns" is about.

"There's these characters in the song," she said in Monday's report on Win Country. "And there's a little girl, and she hears her parents fighting, as unfortunately a lot of kids do, and you don't really realize how that can affect your child. And I've seen it firsthand from different people in my life."

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One of the lyrics in the song says, "Mom and Daddy just won't stop it, fighting at the drop of a faucet, cuts through the walls of catastrophic, she's caught in the crossfire."

Underwood seemed to make it clear that she does not want to be the type of mother who has a battle with her husband in front of their child. She also explained how the girl in her song realizes that her parents fighting is creating an effect on her even though the parents may not realize it.

"It's basically her saying, I wish their words weren't real. I wish they were like little toy guns, and they didn't hurt you," the star explained. "So, that's kind of what it's about."

Underwood is married to hockey player Mike Fisher.

Carrie Underwood, Mike Fisher