Chet Hanks Instagram: Tom Hanks Son Continues Using N Word On Social Media, Says 'It's Not About Race In New VIDEO
Despite backlash for using a derogatory term on his Instagram page in the past, Tom Hanks' son Chet continues to defend his choice to repeat the N word on his account and defend his right to do so.
The 24-year-old aspiring hip-hop artist first enraged followers after posting a photo of himself on May 31 where he called out those he no longer shared a friendship with because they were unlike him and unwilling to chase after their dreams.
A photo posted by LA / WORLD WIDE (@chethanx) on May 31, 2015 at 10:54am PDT
"2 types of people in this world; those who know exactly what it is they want and are doing everything they can to get it; and those who just wander aimlessly through life because they are scared to death of failure," he wrote. "I've lost a lot of so called friends cuz they turned out to be the second kind. F**k yall hating a-- n***** I'll never stop chasing my dream. #OneLifeOneGodOneLove."
Since then he has taken to his account two more times to defend himself for using the term, first captioning a promotional photo for his newest songs where he claimed that he didn't use the term in a derogatory way, saying it was applicable to all kinds of people in 2015.
A photo posted by LA / WORLD WIDE (@chethanx) on Jun 1, 2015 at 8:44pm PDT
"Click the link in my bio to my soundcloud Go Listen to my new songs #Juice ft @chillthatdude and #A100 and oh yeah bih I do say the n word in real life amongst my black friends who get me and can't nobody tell me I can't say what the f**k I feel like when I no disrespect to the struggle of black ppl during the civil rights movement but it's 2015 now and yes there are white n*****....Asian n*****...Mexican n*****...Get wit the time bihhh lmao. more music coming!!" he wrote.
However, Hanks did not stop there, posting a video defending himself as well earlier today, claiming he used the term in his music, which doesn't know racial boundaries.
A video posted by LA / WORLD WIDE (@chethanx) on Jun 1, 2015 at 11:30pm PDT
"Look, I know the majority of you all are not gonna get this," he says. "Because the history is still so fresh in our country. But hip hop isn't about race, it's about the culture you identify with."
The caption for that video read:
"If I say the word n**** I say it amongst people I love and who love me. If I say' f**k yall hatin a** n*****' it's because that's really how I felt as the time. And I don't accept society getting to decide what ANYBODY can or can't say. That's something we call FREE SPEECH," he wrote. "Now I understand the older generation who grew up in the Jim Crowe era might have strong feelings against this. And that's understandable...But what I'm saying is this is 2015...And even tho we are still far from where we need to be and black people are still being literally KILLED by a RACIST and f****d up system..."
"We have also reached a point where the word can no longer have a negative connotation if we so choose. And who is to say only black people can use it? The way I see it, it's a word that unifies the culture of HIP-HOP across ALL RACES, which is actually kind of a beautiful thing. It's a word that can be used out of camaraderie and love, not just exclusively for black people," he continued. "What's the point in putting all these built up 'rules' about it. It's time to let go. You can hate me or love me for it, but can't nobody tell me what I can or can't say. It's got nothing to do with trying to be a thug. It's about the culture of the music. And that's all I have to say about that (no pun intended) lol. It's all love. Some people will get it, some people won't. Either way, Ima keep living life however the f**k I want. ALL LOVE."
There has been no comment from anyone in the Hanks family about the situation.