'Warframe' Update 'Tubemen Of Regor' Patch Notes: New Modes, Extensive Fixes & Gameplay Changes Added [TRAILER]
Free-to-play multiplayer shooter Warframe has received a significant PC and PS4 update today featuring across the board performance enhancements and improvements.
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The update, Tubemen of Regor, brings an all-new eight-player cooperative mission named Law of Retribution in addition to the gameplay and performance improvements. Not only that--there's a new Tubemen of Regor event, and Conclave PvP mode, Annihilation.
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Digital Extremes has posted an explanation of the new features and modes on the forums, along with extensive patch notes. That link holds the details about the new modes, and the changes to gameplay and the Conclave are listed below:
Conclave Changes
- Valkyr is now available for use in Conclave.
- Ember is now available for use in Conclave.
- Oberon is now available for use in Conclave.
- New Title, Hurricane, available from Conclave Syndicate.
- Chat channels and Waypoints are now Team Only.
- Tempo Royale stance has been temporarily removed from PvP.
- Malicious Raptor and Four Riders stances enabled in PvP.
- The following weapons are now available for use in Conclave: Dera, Dera Vandal, Boltor, Boltor Prime, Tonfa, Heat Sword, Dual Heat Swords, Glaive, Glaive Prime, Kestrel, Fragor, Wraith Karak.
- Players will now be timed out after 60 seconds of inactivity in Conclave.
- Rhino Charge damage increased.
- Chroma's Vex armour duration increased.
- Players under control of Nyx's Mind Control or Chaos will no longer see the FX on their Warframe.
- MK1 Braton, Karak, Grakata, Gorgon, Magnus, Sicarus, Skana damage increased in PvP.
- AKLato damage decreased in PvP.
- Martial Magnetism mod effects only applied with the melee weapon equipped.
- Headshot damage multiplier no longer applied to radial damage.
- Projectile weapons now display their damage correctly in the stats section of the Conclave Arsenal.
- Slow debuffs now effect melee weapon speed.
- XP for kills in Capture the Cephalon significantly reduced. XP for capturing the Cephalon raised to 5000 XP and is awarded to every member of the team. 2500 XP awarded for returning your team's Cephalon.
- Slightly adjusted the hitboxes on Corpus Drones to help hit detection.
- The Heat Sword has been given a tremendous visual overhaul!
- A performance and physics audit has occurred on levels and abilities to ensure all content is using the most optimized physics types.
- Grakata has been given the PBR treatment!
- Updated some textures on the Nemesis Nyx skin.
- The Friends List UI has been given an update to better show what friends are online, offline, or what chat requests are pending.
- Reduced the amount of Warframes that will appear in Cutscenes in order to minimize performance issues.
- An update to NPC behaviours when blinded has been made as per: https://forums.warfr...lind-behaviors/
- General performance improvements have been made across Warframe.