'The Flash' Season 2 News: Barry Is 'Gaining Confidence,' Are He & Iris Getting Married? [VIDEO]
What's going to happen in Barry's relationship and personal life when The Flash returns?
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On Monday, DC Entertainment released live interviews with the cast members who teased information that audiences are about to see in new episodes. The first thing that was mentioned from Grant Gustin (Barry) was how his character changed from the first episode to the season finale- he started off in a happier spot, but is he ever going to get that back?
"Barry's grown up a lot. It's hard to even sometimes really grasp the changes because it's like how 'you' change as a person throughout a year," Gustin said. "I also grew and changed with Barry throughout this year. He was, I guess, a little more happy-go-lucky at the beginning and I think we will get back to that and he's gaining confidence as we're moving forward. But right now in the finale, he's pretty run-down."
Dr. Stein & Ronnie Are Expected To Return To 'The Flash'
Candice Patton (Iris) then opened up on the incident with the paper that may or may not prove that her character will marry Barry.
The actress made it clear that that is taking a huge leap and her character would not fall for anything the psycho Wells tells her.
"Wells told Eddie about the paper, Iris did not see a paper," Patton noted. "And she also knows that Wells is a crazy lunatic who killed Barry's mother so she is very reticent to believe anything Wells says is true. But as far as the relationship with Barry, I mean..."
The actress left that last bit to the imagination.
The Flash Season 2 premieres this fall on The CW.
See more details in the video below.