A new teaser for season 3 of Ray Donovan was recently revealed and Ray (Liev Schreiber) is basically seen playing boss.

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The clip titled, 'Do We Have A Problem?' is pretty self evident, as Ray is seen socking one to a host of people who might be in disagreement with him. In one bit Katie Holmes' character Paige Finney, is even seen quite pleasantly amused by Ray's no-nonsense policy as he slaps a guy who questions his audacity.

Ray's victims are either found at the receiving end of a gun as barks orders or just getting the good ol' traditional punch in the gut from him for not acquiescing. At one point Ray even scoffs at Mickey when he tries to offer to help him. Basically Ray is not listening to anyone this season.

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This teaser corroborates Schreiber's assessment of Ray's character arc in this season. In a previously released promo clip, Schreiber recapped the last season by stating that Ray was pushed to the edge and that going forward Ray will be something of a lone warrior. "Season 3 Ray finds himself on his own, having to rebuild his empire," he said. This time Ray's going to take things up a notch with his clientele by working for Andrew Finney, played by guest star Ian McShane. "This season we're not dealing with the guys who run the studios, we are dealing with the guys who own the studios," he added.

Season 3 of Ray Donovan will premiere on July 12 at 9 p.m. on Showtime.

Watch the preview:

Ray Donovan, Showtime, Television