In its special spoilers section, TVLine had some information to give away about Starling City's new mayor in season 4 of Arrow.

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The report revealed that the series was looking for a suitable candidate for Starling City's mayor. The publication revealed that the producers are seeking a fiftysomething actress to play the character, Patty.

Patty will be a "longtime friend of Moira's" and would have also been close with Oliver (Stephen Amell) and Thea (Willa Holland) at some point in time.

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The report flirts with the idea of Patty knowing of Moira's (Susanna Thompson) secret: "she years ago paid off Oliver's baby mama to leave town."

In other news related to season 4, the premiere date for the chapter was finally revealed. Season 4 of the show will return on Oct. 7. Writing for season 4 of Arrow has begun, and there have been some other interesting developments relating to the show.

An Instagram post straight from the Arrow writers' room announced that work had begun on the story of the next chapter. In fact even the cast of the show seems to be gearing up for filming the next chapter. Katie Cassidy, who plays Laurel Lance in Arrow, recently posted an image of herself on Instagram, training for season 4. The actress is seen doing an intense work out in the gym. She dropped the Arrow hashtag while stating that she was training. Little is known about Laurel's story arc going forward, but according to a report by, she will be taking the mantle of the Black Canary more seriously, which was passed on to her by her sister.

The finale of season 3, entitled 'My Name is Oliver Queen,' of Arrow aired on May 13 on The CW.

Watch the promo teaser for season 4:

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