There seems to be very little consensus when it comes to just what everyone should make of MTV's newest TV series Scream.

The show, which premiered June 30 and is loosely based off the popular horror-spoof film franchise, wasn't well-received by critics, who had harsh words for it--but it may still be a hit despite the criticisms.

Among the early critiques of the show, there seemed to be very little to like, with widely negative views on the show:

"MTV's crack at converting the Scream movie franchise into a weekly show premiered last night," Rich Juzwiak of Gawker wrote about the show. "It was so wrong, I can't think of a thing it did right. Aside from the motormouth genius (the show's de facto narrator) and the lesbian, the characters are indistinct, poorly acted, and their lines are mumbled at least half the time. The back story that emerges when the current rash of murders breaks out (a guy with Proteus Syndrome went on a rampage 20 years ago in the town in which the show is set), is some straight-to-VHS Friday the 13th knock-off crap. The updated killer's mask looks melted and his distorted phone voice is too high to be scary."

"Bella Thorne's mean girl Nina and her hardly-a-character boyfriend were the only people to die in the show's premiere, despite several fake-outs throughout," Kaitlin Thomas from wrote. "And so by the end of the hour, the sense of suspense that permeated the original film was all but dampened in the small-screen adaptation."

"Partly due to formal inefficiency, partly due to an uneven focus, very little of the first episode of Scream works," Ben Travers of Indie Wire said. "Exposition is delivered either in huge, unwieldy chunks or so quickly after a question is posed (either through direct or indirect dialogue) that it eliminates even the pretense of suspense."

However, despite the initially negative press, the show received high praise on Twitter after its premiere, from both other celebrities, teen fans, and even some of the original film's cast--most notable, Jamie Kennedy, who wrote that the show was actually done well.

Of course, this is all with just the first episode--nine more will follow.

Did you watch the show? How did you feel about it? Vote in our poll below!

Scream, MTV, Television