Awkward Presidential Election Moments 2015: 5 Political Misteps That Went Viral [VIDEOS]
Although the 2016 Presidential election is still in its baby stages, it's already become one to remember, with each day bringing new viral moments. With a huge number of big personalities in the race "to save America," this election season is sure to be an interesting one. The number of candidates grows larger every day, as do the amount of awkward moments. The strangest part about all of this: All the candidates are all still in the race, and all have some sort of support. Let's hope rational voters turn out in November 2016, otherwise, we're moving to Canada.
Bernie Sanders Announces His Candidacy In Between Errands
Senator Bernie Sanders (Independent-Vermont) announced his presidential candidacy for the 2016 Democratic nomination, but not before letting his audience know that he had better things to do. In classic, grandpa-style fashion, Sanders opened his announcement by letting people know he didn't have time to waste and would be brief. Essentially, Sanders sent the "my phone is about to die say it quick" text message to his assembled audience, yet like our grandpas, he was so cute about it we might just have to forgive him.
Hillary Clinton Won't Announce Her Candidacy but SNL Will
Current Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton began her campaign by not really beginning it at all. Time and time again, Clinton refused to announce her candidacy, but when she finally did, Saturday Night Live would not let it go. SNL has always had fun with election season, most notably with Tina Fey's epic portrayal of Sarah Palin. However Kate McKinnon's recent Hilary takes the pantsuits and pristine blonde bob to a new level. Get ready Hil, it's going to be a long campaign with SNL on your trail.
Rand Paul Is Accidentally Misogynist on Television
Sen. Rand Paul, not to be confused with his father Ron Paul, has been in the media quite frequently due to a few less than pleasant interviews with journalists of a certain gender. After shushing a female anchor on CNBC, many viewers noticed a trend between Paul and female reporters. When asked to respond to this allegedly sexist outburst, Paul simply responded that he doesn't like the media. Regardless of his dislike for the people who can literally make or break his campaign, Paul's shushing was downright cringe worthy...and probably misogynist.
Jeb Bush Thinks He's Hispanic Via Osmosis
My mistake! Don’t think I’ve fooled anyone! RT @JebBushJr LOL - come on dad, think you checked the wrong box #HonoraryLatino
— Jeb Bush (@JebBush) April 6, 2015
GOP candidate Jeb Bush, brother of former president and beloved Texan George W. Bush, has had many strange moments in his few months of candidacy. Most notable among these was when the New York Times released a 2009 voter registration form revealing that Bush identified himself as a "Hispanic" voter. The worst part of all of this? His own son tweeted it to him, letting him know however much he wanted to, he couldn't be an #HonoraryLatino. Sorry Jeb, that's not how race or ethnicity works
Ben Carson Explains How Prisons Make People Gay
In a very strange interview with outspoken CNN Anchor Chris Cuomo, GOP Candidate Ben Carson revealed some insightful thoughts on gay marriage. When asked if he believed homosexuality was a choice, Carson responded explaining his theory of the prison to homosexuality pipeline. He promptly apologized for such an oversimplification of a made-up statistic, and explained that his statements were taken out of context and do "... not reflect fully my heart on gay issues." However, as any one who watches the above video can see, the statements were not taken out of context, and the full interview remains online for our viewing pleasure. Carson's long and weird interview remains a rainy day staple, to be watched when a self-confidence boost is needed.
Donald Trump Wages A War on Mexicans
Last but certainly not least, millionaire, politician, and alleged toupee-lover extraordinaire Donald Trump announced his war-on-Mexico candidacy for the GOP presidential nomination recently and received a different kind of welcome aboard. Over the next several days Trump proceeded to lose an estimated 50.5 billion dollars as NBC, J Balvin, Univision and others withdrew their involvement with The Trump Organization. As America Ferrera stated in her open letter in the Huffington Post, Trump essentially mobilized the already powerful Latino voting bloc to take a stand this election. Good luck Mr. Trump, we hope you shall overcomb.