Joanna Krupa News: Model Poses For New Peta Campaign Against Orca Captivity At SeaWorld [VIDEO]
Joanna Krupa has taken a stand against SeaWorld.
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In a new campaign with PETA, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, the former Real Housewives of Miami poses in black and white body paint in a fish bowl, demonstrating SeaWorld's harsh living conditions for their orcas.
"[In America, you] can walk to the store. You can do whatever you want—you're free," Krupa said in a video public service announcement. "These animals, they're in prison their whole life."
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According to a press release, "SeaWorld has separated at least 19 young orcas from their mothers." And while most orcas call a vast ocean their home, SeaWorld's orcas are kept in a tiny cage, and forced to perform "circus-style tricks for food." In addition, the orcas are, at times, given diazepam, a drug which manages stress-induced and aggressive behavior.
The beautiful @joannakrupa's new PETA ad shows what it's like for orcas at #SeaWorld #OrcaWeek
— PETA (@peta) July 29, 2015
"I can only envision and feel the pain of these animals being stuck in a tiny aquarium, because normally orcas … swim 100 miles a day," Krupa explained. "[H]ere, they've been captured since they were little babies … It's like, why? For the profit of selfish human beings? I had no idea this goes on, and now other people may not know that this goes on, either, and I want to educate them. I want to inspire other people to do good."
For more on Krupa's PETA campaign, check out the video below.