Stephen Amell is dead against wearing a goatee as the Green Arrow, he recently revealed on Twitter.

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Suggestions about the portrayal being as close to as possible to the DC character in season 4 of Arrow, gave rise to comments about Amell donning the facial hair stylings of the Green Arrow too, which make his look quite comical. Amell has finally quelled the speculation by stating that that would never happen on the show:

The biggest highlight at the recently held Comic-Con was the unveiling of Oliver Queen's new costume as the Green Arrow.

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io9 caught some important quotes from the event. Amell did say that he wouldn't make the transformation to his alter ego as quickly, and suggested that fans who like seeing Oliver in civil mode "are going to be really excited."

The biggest tease Amell offered was that what the actor had read of the next chapter so far trumped the finale of season 3.

"I've read three episodes so far, and all of them seem bigger than our season finale last year. So we're in for some long long days and nights," he said.

The announcement of Arrow's renewal for a fourth season was made earlier this month.

The finale of season 3, entitled 'My Name is Oliver Queen,' of Arrow aired on May 13 on The CW.

Watch the promo teaser for season 4:

Arrow, The cw, Television